Watch the sale and bid live online at or Register to bid prior to sale day. As always, FREE DELIVERY on all purchases! Join us Friday evening, April 4, for dinner followed by “There’s no secret sauce in elite cow-calf production!” Ag economist and beef industry consultant Nevil Speer will moderate a panel discussion with diversified cow-calf producers, Whitney Hall, Hall Ranch, Loco, Oklahoma; Sylvia Sellard, Sellard Farms, Bucklin, Kansas; Marisa Kleysteuber, K Ranch & Triangle H, Garden City, Kansas; and Paige Nelson, 5th generation rancher and leading ag journalist, Rigby, Idaho. These operations rely on birth to harvest performance and focus on multi-trait excellence in both sire selection and heifer retention. "Shifting the
Bell Curve" Paul Dykstra, Director, Supply Management and Analysis, Certified Angus Beef®, discussed the distribution of carcass quality among the nation’s Angus fed cattle supply and how narrowly so many miss the Certified Angus Beef® brand targets in both the Premium Choice and Prime brand labels. Paul covered the economics of moving the bar higher and the financial outcomes of improving the average quality achievement starting at the ranch. |
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