2011 in Review
Ashland High School 2011 Graduation
Cole spoke as Valedictorian.

Ashland High School 2011 Graduation
Mark presents Ransom his diploma.

Ashland High School 2011 Graduation
Eva, Cole, Ransom and Mark at graduation.

Ashland High School 2011 Graduation
Mark presents Brittany her diploma.

Ashland High School 2011 Graduation
Grant, Brittany, Sierra, Debbie and Greg Gardiner

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Quanah participated in this years school production of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Quanah participated in this years school production of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

Scenes from the 2011 Kansas State Track Meet
Kansas State Track Meet culminated four great years of running at Ashland High School.

Scenes from the 2011 Kansas State Track Meet
Kansas State Track Meet culminated four great years of running at Ashland High School.

Scenes from the 2011 Kansas State Track Meet
Cole finished 4th and Ransom finished 6th in the 3200, both running personal best times.