Around the Ranch 2003
This sign is on Highway 160, 6 miles west of Ashland.
The sale ring the day before the sale. This will seat about 600.
On the left is Dr. Randall Spare who along with Dr. John Kellenberger
and Dr. Kelly Deewall operate the Ashland Vet Center. We value their skill and knowledge.
We use them many times a year for advice as well as doctoring.
Doctors, we appreciate you. Also in this picture are Jeff Golden and Scott Tune.
These two plus Dan Strang, Dean Schumacher and Jim Fellers are valued
employees who do a very good job of helping us every day of the year. Gentlemen, we appreciate you.
GAR AI Center
A 25 year old picture that was in our first catalog for the 1980 sale.
Greg and Debbie
Mark and Eva
Amanda, Garth, Gage, Greysen
Pairs along Big Sand Creek
Our new bale movers stack 14 bales a load.
Family picture that was in 1981 catalog.
A successful fishing trip. (These are Cimmaron River minnows)
Mark and Dr. Randall Spare visited the Leroy Hill Coffee Co. in Alabama.
Mr. Hill has purchased cattle from both Mark and Randall.
Leroy and Debbie Hill and Dan at the warehouse of the Leroy Hill Coffee Co.
These Kansas born cows seem to enjoy their new home in Alabama
at Leroy Hill’s farm.
Greg & Debbie’s Family
Sierra, Brittany, Grant and Debbie
Brittany, Grant and Sierra in Colorado’s Rocky Mountain National Park.
After studying this family picture can you tell who did not want to be there?
Sunrise at GAR.
We wish we had more of these beautiful clouds to give us some rain.
Mark and Eva’s family
Cole, Quanah, and Ransom will not soon forget this white water ride
down the Arkansas River.
Ransom and Cole in the Arkansas River in Colorado.
On April 5, 2003 Amanda helped with our sale at the settlement table
then on April 10, 2003 Gage Monroe Gardner was born. That was good timing on his part!
Getting acquainted
Garth and Greysen trying to teach Gage how to smile.
Football Fans
Granddad Maxwell and grandson Gage enjoy each other.
Snow time
Summer time and the living is easy.
Nan and Henry had a 25th wedding anniversary that was pictured
in the 1984 catalog.
Weaning time heifer calves with their mothers.
One goblin is quite serious.
Trick or treat
Papa and Brittany
County Fair parade cowboys
At the county fair 4-year-old Quanah showed his calf.
The judge asked him who broke his calf to lead?
Quanah replied, “I did it.” The judge asked, “Was that hard?”
Quanah replied, “It was brutal!”
Cole, Ransom and a friend have new belt buckles.
2 year old Greysen meets a new friend.
Grandmother Nan seems to approve.
This relationship is developing quite fast!
Grandmother Nan looks a little amazed!
Quanah and Inja both getting a bath.
This cowboy seems to have forgotten his hat!
Charles and Clara Schmitt drove this fancy 1928 Model T in the
Clark County Fair Parade.
Nan and Henry had the privilege of riding with this Kinsley,
KS couple all the way to the fairgrounds.
Henry Gardiner & Family (1987) (Garth, Mark, Henry, Nan,
Harvey Lemmon, and Greg) receiving BIF Seedstock Producer Award
Keeneland racetrack near Lexington, KY is a very beautiful track.
A lot of the racing scenes in the recent movie Seabiscuit were filmed here.
One of the famous “products” of Kentucky.
There are many very pretty “small cabins” on the horse farms
near Lexington, KY.
If you were a horse wouldn’t this be a nice place to live?
Our traveling companions, Milton and Charlene Hughes, at the Kentucky Horse Park.
Ransom and Cole working with their heifers.
Ransom with “Shadow” at the KS Jr. Angus Show.
Cole with “Mary”
Part of the 170 wind generators 20 miles southwest of Dodge City, KS on US Hwy 56.
This $100 million wind farm supplies enough electricity to power 33,000 homes.
The 10 rows of towers are scattered across 12,000 acres of farm ground.
The towers and service roads cover only 40 acres.
There are 26 landowners that get paid $2,000 per tower for 20 years.
These towers are 212 feet tall and set on a foundation of 125 cubic yards
of concrete. The towers’ blades are 77 feet long.
Ransom with the catch of the day, a 31/2 ft. long bull snake.
Yes the snake is still alive.
Quanah on “Chief” ready to go into the show ring at the
Clark County Fair horse show.
Quanah, Cole with Bear, and Ransom
Our gift from France in New York harbor.
Where the Trade Center Towers once stood in New York City.
Where the Trade Center Twin Towers stood until 9/11.
A list of the victors of “9-1-1” at the site of the crime.
19 years ago
These two would make a good toothpaste ad with these bright smiles.
Greysen requires quite a few tractors to do his farming.
Tractor training
Gage is not very excited about this family portrait.
A wet Gage.
Gage refreshed after his bath.
A cow puncher.
Ransom and Cole say they like to do this to give them a different
view of their surroundings.
The Gardiner Family in 1999.
Wayne Shearhart from Big Cabin, OK, brought a busload of cattlemen and
women to a tour of GAR last spring. He also brought a wooden Angus cow that he had made.
For some reason this cow suggested to “Eat Mor Chikin!”
Sierra was a Homecoming attendant.
Sierra’s birthday.
Sierra’s kindergarten class got to ride the firemen’s truck.
Young barn owls before they could fly.
Wild turkeys that are not very wild.
This picture was on the cover of the 2001 sale book.
A happy Gage
This picture of Henry taken in 1932 at the same age as Gage shows Henry’s
hair quite straight. It probably became curly about the time he met the pretty redhead that became his wife.
Gage Gardiner (2003)
Henry Gardiner (1932)
It looks like K-State just lost.
Good buddies
This fellow is a swinger.
Making friends
Garth and Amanda at the National Reined Cowhorse Association’s Snaffle
Bit Futurity with their consignment to the select yearling sale in Reno, NV.
Kansas Governor Bill Graves stopped by GAR on the governor’s tour in 2001.
This hard-working crew are tremendous fence builders.
It is hard to believe that you can lay down 5 strands of barb wire
at one time and not have a snarled mess!
Ransom and Cole on Chief (is he “live” or “Memorex?”)
This cowboy is ready to ride.
Quanah on his new horse “Flash 2.”
Bear and Quanah are good friends.
Heifer calves with their mothers.
A nice home about 100 years ago.
Bob Foulkard, Troy, PA, Bass Pro Shops Pro Staff;
Gross 145-6/8, 5x5, 4 yrs old Tamarack Outfitters & GAR buck
Bet you can’t do this; Cole can. (This is not a trick photo).
Papa and Gage
The oldest and the youngest grandchild are very sober. The rest are not.
This is Gage’s first group picture with his 6 cousins and 2-year-old brother. It is a wide-eyed experience.
Gardiner Angus Ranch, Cattle Business of the Century award from NCBA
(sponsored by Boehringer-Ingelheim Animal Health Inc., 1998)